These photos are appropriate for consultations related to facelifts, neck lifts, or any other procedure relating to your face and neck area. A total of five photos will be needed. One directly from the front, one at 45 degree angle to the right, one at a 45 degree angle to the left, one full side profile from the right, and one full side profile from the left.
The virtual consultation process is easy. You will be asked to submit information about the procedures you are interested in and to describe your desired goals. Our patient coordinators will ask you to submit photographs, a critical and necessary component to the evaluation process. Our TouchMD and Zoom platforms are HIPAA compliant and fully encrypted so that your private information and images stay confidential. After the doctor reviews your information and photographs, you will be contacted by our office and given instructions on setting up your TouchMD patient portal for the consultation. We will send you an email with an invitation to a Zoom meeting and will conduct the consultation via video or telephone if you prefer. It’s that easy!